Hello all,
Yes, yes, I know it’s been a while, but LOTS has been happening behind the scenes. There is hope, I will explain…
Firstly, Reigate Heath Golf Club is going full swing into supporting Sportin MS, with David Gabe, this year’s captain, choosing us as their charity! We’ve already had a couple of events, the larger one just recently, and I look forward to the results.
I’ve also been blessed by the fantastic dedication and organisational skills of Davina Arris who has orchestrated an entire Christmas Fair for Sportin MS on 16th November at Crockham Hill Village Hall. See the full advert for this event on the News section of our website or visit us on Facebook.
I have struggled recently to be motivated for my cause, simply because I seem to be constantly running in to dead ends. I have tried various alternatives to East Surrey Hospital for our plans to open a Sportin MS Support Centre, but to no avail. Nobody is listening it seems, and the urgency is unrecognised.
Continually I am mulling things over, worrying, making decisions and second guessing myself over how to deal with this disease. I totally understand why some people just succumb to the symptoms and call it a day.
However, just as I get close to losing faith, a little door opens and suddenly hope floods my mind... I don’t want to give false hope to everyone; however, a lovely, local space has popped up and offered a new avenue for us to explore going forward, continuing with our plans to provide a support space. More to come, hopefully soon.
Anyway, please do come to what is going to be a fantastic Christmas Fayre! An opportunity to be super organised in both getting the Christmas presents, decorations and knick-knacks.
Lots of love,